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Coconut shampoo with soothing properties. Suitable for cats with oily skin and a dry coat prone to the formation of knots. Honey extract is an effective natural ingredient for the beauty of felines thanks to its emollient and hydrating effects, it gives elasticity to the skin. How to use: Wet the cat's coat with plenty of warm water. Mix 1 dose of Cocco shampoo with 2 doses of water. Massage the coat in a circular motion in the direction of the fur. Rinse and proceed with Coconut Conditioner.



Specific balm to soothe, hydrate and give elasticity to the feline coat.
How to use: after using the Shampoo, mix 25 ml of Coconut Condi- tioner with 500 ml of hot water. Depositgradually over the mantle. Gently massage or possibly brush with Derma Brush or comb.- Leave the mask to rest for 5/10 minutes and rinse well.

IvSanBernard Just4Cats Coconut Soothing SH/CONwPump[伊珊娜椰子猫猫专属舒缓香波/护毛素-配泵头]


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